What we do best
Service Offerings

Insights & Strategy

We ensure the successful implementation of new services, products and business models by discovering underlying human-centered needs and drivers. By shifting your mindset to a truly empathetic approach, we help you translate research and insights into tangible, viable concepts.

You need

Are you not sure where to start and need to gain a better understanding of customer and user needs?

We provide

We work with you to provide meaningful research plans that translate into actionable insights. We conduct interviews, in- depth service analysis and observation as well as comprehensive testing to provide you with an impactful strategy that leads to clearly defined next steps.

Service Menu:

• Field Ethnography
• Comprehensive research plans
• Stakeholder and customer interviews
• Stakeholder mapping
• Target persona identification & development
• Customer journey & experience maps
• Service Design Blueprints
• Futurecasting
• Business modelling and analysis
• Service Audits & Analysis

Prototyping & Testing

With a tried and tested blend of rapid prototyping and user testing, we find ways to limit long, costly guesswork and help accelerate decision-making. Through meaningful engagements with target stakeholders, we’ll generate real, insightful feedback data about the desirability and feasibility of your ideas and concepts..

You need

Is your team stuck in the abyss of decision making and finding it hard to validate ideas and ensure success? Are you debating assumptions and can’t reach actionable conclusions?

We provide

We get you unstuck through a customizable approach that fits your needs and provide you with defined and proven methodologies to quickly test your assumptions and validate ideas or concepts. We conduct user testing, gather insightful feedback and ensure that desirability meets feasibility.

Service Menu

(Ask us about our remote sessions)

• Rapid Prototyping workshops

• Low to high fidelity prototype development

• 4 or 5 day Design Sprints

• User Testing Sprints

• Classic usability testing and tracking

• Storyboarding

• Hackathons/Workathons

Innovation Throughlines

We believe in novation is a mindset that must be integrated into each organization’s vision and strategy. Using our specialized approach, grounded in research and co-creation, we work with you to uncover your Innovation Throughline, helping to develop an actionable and, of course, visual innovation roadmap tailored to meet your unique goals.

You need

Does your organization or enterprise currently struggle to navigate the complex and fuzzy innovation process? Maybe you have run a variety of disjointed initiatives but feel your lacking a vision and the confidence to shift to a truly wholistic innovation strategy?

We provide

We eliminate the silos, take note of where you are and co-create an actionable, cohesive innovation roadmap that gets you where you want to be. We help you assess your innovation capabilities, spaces and processes through a human-centered approach and visualize the way to success to create alignment.

Service Menu

• Innovation assessment session

• Visioning sessions and metaphor building

• Spatial analysis, workflow assessment

• Innovation Maturity plans

• Innovation roadmap

• Visual storytelling tools

Training & Culture

We empower leaders andteam members to shift their thinking through interactive training and workshopstailored to your individual needs. By enabling your team to  successfully apply creative frameworks andvisual tools, we’ll help accelerate your organization’s competitive advantagethrough human-centric innovation.


You need

Is your organization or team at a pivotal moment or you feel the innovative mindset hasn’t taken root yet? Are you trying to encourage a different way of thinking, a new approach to problem solving or unlock creativity to foster innovation?

We provide

We help you develop a custom approach that has a lasting impact. Whether we facilitate hands-on sessions to familiarize your team with agile methodologies such as Design Thinking and Lean Startup, or take a train-the-trainer approach to foster a culture of innovation through internal catalysts - we ensure that you take confident strides in the right direction.

Service Menu

• Design Thinking Workshops
• Train-the-trainer
• Integrated mentorship program
• Visual thinking and storytelling workshops

Visual Storytelling

By clearly articulating the often-complex innovation process, we activate sustainable strategies, and gain support for ideas worth investing in through powerful visual stories that create empathy and put humans at the center.

You need

Are you trying to create alignment around your innovation strategy, or get your idea noticed by the right target audience? Are you struggling to communicate successes and promote a culture of innovation?

We Provide

Empathy is all about human connections - and nothing is more powerful than a well crafted story. In a time of information overload visual storytelling cuts through complexity and activates change. We help you tell impactful visual stories across a variety of mediums, that bring insights to life, engage audiences, and catalyze change.

Service Menu

• Pitch support
• Visual Storytelling workshops
• Presentation design
• Video production
• Metaphor development
• Storyboarding
• Process visualization