Case study
Tracking Metrics in Innovation Programs

Insights & Strategy  
Prototyping & Testing


Tracking metrics and progress in the context of innovation programs and initiatives is a challenge in itself, but managing multiple teams and their progress in a way that is engaging and allows for insight tracking across the board is even more complex. Innovation Maturity model read outs were submitted to teams using printed or digital power point presentations. Leadership was informed about progress in a similar manner. There was a need to change the experience for teams as well as innovation managers and show impact to leadership.


After weeks of metaphor development and ideation around a meaningful way to communicate progress for innovation teams - we co-created an interactive platform that allows innovation managers to enter maturity data into a digitally translatable, visually appealing interface. The interactive platform allows teams to get access to powerful data, giving them the opportunity to see their progress live and in a visual manner while interacting with their innovation manager in a meaningful way.  

Visualizing innovation maturity through the metaphor of growth allowed us to create simple story around complex data points that created lasting impact.


Prototyping (Display and app)
Testing Shipping of Displays around the world
Data collection and insights

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Mapping the Fabric of Innovation